$268.00 USD

2 monthly payments

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Livestreaming and Social Media Mastermind


  • being in a small group of like-minded entrepreneurs who want to serve their audience

  • being supported, encouraged and guided each week in this amazing group

  • having access to hundreds of tutorials, strategies, best practices and downloadable pdfs

  • having a private 1:1 coaching session with Bonnie!
  • receiving expert training from a livestreaming expert with tens of thousands of social media followers worldwide.

  • posting on social media and watching your followers and email list grow without paid ads

  • having the confidence and strategy to push "Go Live" and creating broadcasts that are fun, engaging and grow your audience

👉🏻 👉🏻Imagine looking forward to your next social media or livestream post because your content is being consumed, engaged with and showing the results you want.

This 12-week Mastermind will teach you what you need to succeed with (and enjoy!) social media and livestreaming so you can reach the exact audience you want to online.

You'll have lifetime access to all training modules and coaching sessions  (each session is held live and recorded)

I'll not only teach you the skills you need to reach your audience and grow your following, I'll watch your livestreams, read your social media posts and help you each step of the way! Become a pro livestreamer and content creator with me by your side!

        💕 Bonnie